Frances Pidcock
Clinical Operations Manager at The Buttery
Frances Pidcock is the Clinical Operations Manager at The Buttery and a member of The Buttery’s Clinical Governance Committee. Frances has a background in Nursing and Psychology at Masters Level. Prior to joining The Buttery in 2016, Frances was a Clinical Nurse Specialist with QLD and NSW Health. She specialised in mental health acute care and youth and family also providing clinical supervision to students and graduates. At The Buttery Frances enjoys collaborating with staff and stakeholders to meet the needs of the community.
- BSc (Psychology)
- BN
- Alcohol and other drugs
- Alcohol and drug related harm
- Drug use and mental ill-health
- Mental ill-health
- Depression and/or anxiety
- Suicide
- Suicide prevention research
- Workforce
- Regional and remote communities
- Lived experience
- Medical
- Children/youth
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Men
- Women
- Veterans
- Older persons
- Clinicians
- Carers
- Families