Mindframe Plus training
Mindframe Plus is in-depth training that goes beyond the core support available to Primary Health Networks (PHNs).
Budgets are prepared on request, determined by the PHN's own requirements and logistics.
Mindframe Plus provides support to regional PHNs, so they can be better prepared for proactive suicide prevention communications and prevent further suicidal behaviour.
Aims and objectives of Mindframe Plus
- To support local organisations and sectors to build a collaborative relationship. Organisations will learn how to effectively engage with local and state news media (print, radio, television, and online news) through training, development and dissemination of evidence-based resources, which enable a more accurate and sensitive portrayal of suicide and mental health concerns.
- To support local organisations and sectors that work with the media. You may be asked to comment on an incident in the media, so understanding the issues to consider when working with the media around mental health concerns and suicide are essential.
- To reduce risk. The reduction in inappropriate reporting, decreases the likelihood of contagion.
- To support local media. So that media can further understand and apply the Mindframe guidelines.
- To empower local stakeholders. To make informed decisions with their proactive suicide prevention messaging via media and other channels (social media, marketing etc.).
- To ensure a strong application of the Mindframe guidelines. Through communications within and about the region.
- To assist PHNs to develop and implement an agreed local media strategy and communications protocol. As part of the Mindframe intensive workshop, participants will learn how to coordinate media requests during a crisis.
- PHNs should determine a regular reporting mechanism. To monitor adherence to the local media strategy and communications protocol.
Intended outcomes of Mindframe Plus
The intended outcomes of Mindframe Plus are to ensure the local region has a suicide prevention plan in place. Having a plan in place will support the community and minimise any potentially risky coverage whilst promoting help-seeking pathways.
As a consequence, it is intended that the quality and frequency of safe media coverage of suicide, increases as a result of Mindframe Plus training.
Specific outcomes include:
- All Suicide Prevention Coordinators and local network stakeholders have participated in Mindframe training.
- Each PHN has an agreed local media strategy and critical incident protocol in advance of a crisis or incident, and these strategies/plans are integrated with a broader plan to support the family and community after suicide.
- Positive local media coverage that promotes prevention efforts and help-seeking pathways is increased.
- Decreased stigma related to suicide.
- Populations disproportionately impacted by suicide are better represented in the local and state media related to the region, in relation to suicide and mental health.