Evidence and research
Mindframe for Alcohol and Other Drugs is shaped on evidence-informed studies and research. The conducted studies focus on communication about AOD and the influence of media coverage on community understanding and attitudes of AOD issues.
Evaluation of the Mindframe guidelines for media reporting on Alcohol and Other Drugs: Baseline data
Everymind commissioned The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use to review Australian mass media reporting on issues relating to alcohol and other drugs (AOD). This media monitoring study assess the type and quality of AOD reporting using the recommendations from the Mindframe for Alcohol and Other Drugs guidelines. This is the first study to have used the Mindframe for Alcohol and Other Drugs guidelines to assess media reporting and will be used as a baseline for future media evaluations.
Evidence Check: Media Reporting of Alcohol and Other Drug Use
Everymind commissioned The University of Newcastle to conduct this evidence check to review and summarise the media reporting of AOD use worldwide. The Evidence Check examined the impact of media portrayal on stigma and behaviours making recommendations on how to shape media reporting of AOD use to maximise public health benefits.
The Evidence Check sought to address the following questions:
- What is the portrayal of AOD use in the media?
- What is the impact of the media portrayal of AOD on the general community?
- What (if any) are the existing media reporting guidelines in Australia or elsewhere?
In synthesising the evidence for these questions, the check makes judgements about the overall strength of evidence for each question and makes recommendations for shaping the future media portrayals of AOD use to maximise the public health benefits.
Mindframe for Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) – Core Principle Review Delphi Study
A Delphi study was conducted to gain expert feedback on participant level of agreement with the core principles of Mindframe for Alcohol and other Drugs.
Participants included a range of experts in the field of AOD and media and communications, including those in the following occupations; academia, educators, journalism, public relations, communications management/specialists, suicide prevention or mental health sector professionals and AOD sector professionals.
The results were used to guide the development of the final draft of the Mindframe for Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) core guidelines.
Attitudes to media coverage of Alcohol & Other Drugs Survey
Everymind along with the University of Newcastle conducted a short survey to assess baseline knowledge, understanding and toward alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues.
It aimed to understand how Australians react to media reports, blogs, news items, and commentary on AOD, and whether this affects the way they might judge someone who is using AOD, or whether they would seek treatment if affected by an AOD problem.
Participants included anyone currently living in Australian who is 18 years of age or over. They were classified as either news media and communication professionals, health sector practitioners or community members.
The results were used to assist in the development of Mindframe for Alcohol and Other Drugs guidelines and will inform the continued dissemination of the program.