Adding help-seeking information
To help ensure stories about AOD do not impact negatively on people in the community, add help-seeking information, which provides people with immediate access to support.
Mindframe encourages the promotion of help-seeking information and links to support services in every instance where there is reference of alcohol and other drugs.
Include the National Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline in all communication.
National Alcohol and Other Drugs Hotline
Access free and confidential advice about alcohol and other drugs, by calling the National Alcohol and Other Drug hotline.
To help ensure communication about AOD does not impact negatively on individuals in the community, consider:
- adding at least two 24-hour crisis numbers to any story about AOD
- if the story is online, link directly to online support options
- matching the helpline or service to the story e.g. regarding age, audience, location and whether it is AOD-related
- informing the service when including their details so they can better respond to an increase in contacts.
Media professionals
Media issues to consider:
- Include help-seeking information in all reporting and portrayals of AOD. For example, an AOD helpline and/or a specific website that contains relevant information to that particular story and location
- Listed services should be appropriate and specific to the issues covered in the communication.
Download the Mindframe AOD help-seeking card and share with your networks