For Primary Health Networks

Mindframe works with Primary Health Networks (PHNs), local suicide prevention networks/collaboratives, mental health organisations and community groups to build their capacity to safely respond and communicate about suicide and suicide prevention activities.

When a regional suicide incident occurs or following an incident, Mindframe provides support and resources the PHN, local suicide prevention networks or collaboratives, community groups and local media outlets.

Mindframe's support provides evidence-based knowledge and context surrounding safe and responsible ways to respond to an incident while minimising harm on people, including those experiencing suicidal distress and/or those impacted by suicide.

Building the capacity of rural and regional communities strengthens their understanding of suicide, enabling them to communicate and respond safely and responsibly.

PHN Toolkit

Free Mindframe resources tailored to PHNs

This toolkit has been created to support suicide prevention work in Primary Health Networks (PHN). The toolkit includes information on how to communicate safely about suicide, including undertaking Mindframe Plus training, templates to support the development of communication strategies and media protocols, and a collation of resources to support the suicide prevention activities of PHNs.

Download the following resources:

Everymind is seeking feedback from PHNs to help evaluate the usefulness of this toolkit. Click here to take part in a short survey.

How to get involved in Mindframe training

Free Mindframe training

Community representatives within PHNs or local trial site locations may be ill-prepared when responding or managing media following a critical incident.

This can lead to inconsistent messaging and potentially harmful coverage being disseminated to audiences most likely to be impacted.

To ensure a co-ordinated and appropriate response is delivered in the event of an incident, PHNs will be supported to implement national guidelines designed to prevent further suicidal behaviour.

Express your interest in having your PHN involved in Mindframe Plus training using the form below.

Mindframe Plus training

Mindframe Plus is an intensive version of Mindframe training in which trial sites can fund responses that go far beyond the core support for PHNs and regional approaches.

Working with groups, the focus of Mindframe Plus is to empower and equip individuals to be better prepared for responding to suicide incidents or proactive suicide prevention communications.

Find out more on Mindframe Plus training.

Mindframe Plus training - What's included?

Support provided What's included

Access to Mindframe resources

Website and hard-copy content

Support from Mindframe for PHNs in the aftermath of a significant suicide/s to help coordinate agencies response

Depending on location this can be via email, call or video conference

Engaging with local media to ensure coverage is responsible and assist with connections between PHNs and local media

Media training is also offered

Providing advice and supporting PHNs on community tactics and campaign development

This includes: press releases, comments and social media activity

Opportunities to attend Mindframe work shops and brief training

Depending on locations this can be face-to-face or via video conference (up to 2 hours)

Access to dedicated one/two day training and workshops, to support the implementation of media guidelines within sites

Dedicated training with Mindframe staff

Tailored planning, delivery and evaluation of Mindframe Plus workshop and associated documents

The team will also touch base following the workshop for feedback and evaluation

Support in the development of media protocols focused on prevention, intervention and postvention scenarios tailored to the specific needs of the site

This may involve priority populations or groups with specific risk factors

Interested in involving your PHN in Mindframe Plus training? Submit an expression of interest via the form below.

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