New Mindframe expert directory provides support for media stories

The Mindframe team has launched a national expert directory to support media professionals when they are seeking comment on suicide prevention, mental ill-health and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD).

Media regularly reach out to the Mindframe team seeking recommendations for experts who can talk to specific topics in line with Mindframe guidelines.

To address this growing need, the Mindframe team has developed an online database of experienced individuals who lead and provide commentary across a range of topics, demographics and industries.

Experts listed in the directory can talk to a topic with a high degree of insight, based on their experience in the sector, or provide important links to research, evidence and data that support their comments and views. They are also mindful of the impact of their words and commentary, in line with Mindframe guidelines, and seek to add value, context and nuance to support safe discussion.

Everymind Project Lead, Dr Elizabeth Paton says the easily accessible directory will enhance expert commentary on these issues in the media.

“Media often request advice from the Mindframe team on relevant experts to support a story they are reporting on, and find it difficult to track down the right experts available to comment on various topics,” Dr Paton says.

“The aim of the new expert directory is to make it easier for media to connect with leaders in the fields of suicide prevention, mental ill-health and Alcohol and Other Drugs, while increasing responsible, evidence-informed commentary and reporting in the media.”

The new expert directory can be accessed on the Mindframe website.

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