Advisory groups

The activities and resources of Mindframe have been developed through close collaborations and partnerships across various sectors.

Each Mindframe advisory group is made up of unique stakeholders from different sectors.

Current Mindframe advisory groups include:

  • Mindframe Media Advisory Group
  • Mindframe Journalism and Public Relations Education Advisory Group

Previous advisory groups included:

  • Mindframe Communication Managers' Advisory Group
  • Mindframe Social Media Advisory Group
  • Mindframe Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Group
  • Mindframe Police Advisory Group

Mindframe Stage and Screen Advisory Group

The Mindframe for stage and screen project is coordinated and managed by a consortium consisting of Everymind, the Australian Writers’ Guild and SANE Australia. The project team also incorporates nine Australian scriptwriters, who have assisted with the development and dissemination of resources.

More about "Advisory groups"

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